June 27, 2009

3 More Days, No baby yet.

I went to the doctor on Thursday where I found out that I was dilated to 3 cm and my cervix was "ripe." She striped my membranes and said that I could go any minute! So, we are on Saturday, no pain or discomfort and I am feeling great! I keep thinking that it could happen any time but we will see. I have been drinking raspberry herbal tea, spicy Chinese food and walking lots. I am putting off the caster oil and cohosh sisters for now. Hopefully we will have a baby soon. Right now, I will be patient and post some cute pictures.

Ben's fathers day present. We fixed all of his watches so that they actually tick!


Sarah D said...

Hang in there Telia!
I love the pic of all Ben's watches, what a great idea to fix them for him!

lovelaughtermusic said...

I thought maybe Ben was wearing all his watches so he could "count down" the seconds until baby arrives!! Such adorable photos of Aeden; I especially love the one with Ben too!!

Hang in there, Mama and kudos for all the walking you're doing....impressive!

Angie said...

Oh, good luck Telia! I will be thinking of you!....!

Brian, Laura, Felix & Ezra said...

Ben's ready to time those contractions! (In four time zones!)
You guys are awesome--glad to hear you're doing so well! Good luck with labor when it starts...

haleyhorrocks said...

Oh, I'm excited to hear the news! Good luck. VBACS are great, and that last picture of Aeden was especially adorable.